ALT MEANS- house on stilts, cityscape, line portraits, wire portraits and mark making tools




on day one we were required to gather a small simple range of materials to create a house on stilts we were given around 30 minutes in order to create the house. in the second part of day one in our workshop we had an hour or two to also create a city scape. for this I decided to make a small miniature version of Belfast as I thought it would be fun. overall it took a lot of thinking and detail to create the shapes but I enjoyed the thinking process.

House on stilts

City scape-Belfast progress

Finished cardboard Belfast city scape


on day two we had to close our eyes and make a blind continuous line portrait of the person you were assigned to in a group over video call however I live with someone and was able use them instead. in this task I struggled to keep my eyes closed but I kept drawing them in order to improve and to keep my eyes closed. after creating the line drawings we had to create two wire portrait’s from two of the drawings one wire portrait would be simple wire and shapes however the other was to include decoration and materials over it in order to add some realism and colour.

Our last task for the day was to go out and gather materials in order to create and design 12 of our own mark making tools. we were to use rope and twigs anything we could think of that could make a nice brush for art.

Blind drawing portraits-continuous line

wire portraits

creating mark making tools





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