areas in applications the brief: fitness type app that can take people away from technology and connect with life and get healthier. the creation of a digital product to persuade and help people to get outside more.


for this project i have decided to make an app that can work on smartphones. The app itself has many functions mainly to do with an organic and healthier lifestyle offering everything from fitness to healthy eating and plant care for people who love plants. The app itself has a main purpose of getting people to take photographs of nature something to get people outside to document plants, plant garden, research nature and learn new things about creating natural based everyday things people can use and make themselves in a fun creative and educational way.


researched subjects

Who is it for:

the app is for teenager-adults but interactive towards children alongside adults. the app is aimed towards vegans and vegetarians

What do you want them to do: the purpose is to use the app in all ordinary aspects of life. i want people to be able to use the app to get healthier and have fun learning about the benefits of nature for example my app details how to create skin care cream from organic sources. my app also entails a function to documents and record from profiles of what plants you currently are growing the app allows you to track the plants health. i want people to use the app to learn and to immerse themselves in nature to get interested in life outside and find out the different ways to use nature to the best possibilities


How do you want them to do it:

i want people to use the app by going out and taking photographs of plants around them and get exploring documenting and researching. this also includes posting about plants keeping profiles on home grown pets. the user simply enters the right data and the app tracks things like human health and plant health like a fitness or health app.


How will they interact with your product:

I have designed the app to have multiple separate areas within it that allows the user to cater to specific areas they wish to use like fitness and the medicinal section. they interact simply by entering data, typing and pressing buttons


How will they benefit from using it:

my aims to motivate people more and keep constant track on things so people can manage a healthier lifestyle better and in a fun way this also includes getting people involved with learning



taking photographs of nature, documenting and research



The app will share a daily representation of what has been done. The recent activity on the app being shown on the home page to inform people of progress and goals.


Delivery Platform:

smartphone application, mobile app


researched subjects towards the app



fitness is the activity of exercise many apps use this to encourage people to go outside but also allow people to keep track of their personal exercise goals and example of this is health mate, Samsung health and lifesume. these  include things like running, walking, heart rate and calorie intake. the apps keeps up to date with their users and helps users reach their healthier goal. the benefits consist of users loosing weight, building muscle, improving mental health, lower risk of physical problems like heart disease.



Education is a means for people to learn weather that be physical education of researched. many applications towards education are aimed at children however these apps mainly support one thing- to inspire developmental growth. educational apps can be presented in many factors such as a hobby like art of a school application for the purpose of going to class such as zoom or using google for research and using web pages like skill share or Wikipedia.

the benefits of education include keeping people attentive, teaching new things, learning new skills, achieving grades to peruse dreams or jobs, learning how to handle situations and gaining developmental growth for a person.



photography is an entertainment and interactional way for users to take photos and interact with the platform and example of this would be Instagram. its a way for people to documents their life and other activities. photography is also and art in a way its a simple fun activity to get people involved. The benefits of using photography in applications is that it allows people to look deeper into the details of where they are and what they are looking at.


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