TASK: three paragraphs 500 words -10 or +10 about 5 days time management reflection.


reflective writing

Over the course of five days, I documented the time I spent doing daily things. A main part of my time was taken up by shopping for essentials as I had run out of food and other items from the prior week as well as spending a good portion of my time attending activities with friends, attending appointments or binge watching on YouTube. These activities are not in my typical routine and as a result I believe from my timetable these are aspects that did not go so well as I overspent time attending to them. From this week My better activities which took up a lot of my time consisted of my homework, relaxing hobbies, and other activities like skating however I value these and believe these are appropriate priorities in which to spend time doing. I can see from this week the areas that I could improve my time management on by replacing those activities with more productive alternatives in following weeks. I was overall surprised to see how busy I am daily.

From recording and analysing my time, I have taken into consideration more clearly how I really spend my time by taking too long at tasks. Although this week was more structured and planned out compared to my typical routines. Reviewing this week by writing out the time I spent doing a task really allowed be to see where all my priorities were focused and what worked well in a time frame to better manage for the future, how much time I could have focused on work instead. It allowed me to understand that I needed to put more time into my schedule for specific activities such as work, eating food, sleep and getting time to organise. This also concludes using less time when doing less important activities. however, I discovered I tend to spend way too much time when going into the town shopping for essential items and I feel as this was where I primarily wasted my time.

To improve and spend time more productively in the future I have decided to make changes. From experience in the past sticking to a strict routine or timetable heavily has resulted in unhealthy stress from trying to meet my own deadlines although now I have a better way to plan my work schedule. I have never exactly taken into consideration about planning days where I tend to waste my time. I have decided to work on these aspects of my routine and in doing so I have allocated one day to shopping for essentials and to do it as fast as possible all in one go stocking me up for the following week. The next change is to achieve fixing my sleeping pattern from staying up late doing work, to going to bed earlier and waking up earlier. The other changes which I have made to my routine is allowing time to properly eat watching something while I eat to relax and to no longer spend time binge watching on YouTube but instead listen to tutorial classes on YouTube and I believe these changes to my schedule have worked well and helped me to improve.





This is a short summary of my daily routine.


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