A reflection of my first year at university

Looking back, I’d say I’ve really improved a lot in not only my skills but my confidence to get work done and up to standards, as well as being able to work efficiently in groups. I’ve learned that I have quite good leadership skills as I’m able to go round the group and help out, doing my best to sort problems any members have and bounce ideas of one another. I try my best to make sure everyone has a say in group projects and that no one feels left out or avoided.

Working with 3D was definitely more appealing to me than 2D as its a whole new world of tools an resources, and I love being able to make a 3D model of my ideas, getting to better understand how they work and function, so I’ll certainly be working on this skill throughout the summer. Animating in 3D is a little more taxing than I thought it would be, but its still fun and i think I’m pretty good at it so far. I’ve learned the 12 principles of animation and how to use them effectively to create an interesting animation. This was also my first experience working with Maya, and my first time actively learning about blender and how to use it, I’m looking forward to spending more time with these programs as well as time goes on. 2D still had its own strengths though, as there was more room for complex designs and more stylised pieces, as drawing is something I’ve been used to rather than a 3D program where you model using shapes like cubes and cylinders. Even if it was a little harder trying to draw every frame and getting them to match the past frames, getting the pacing right and trying to make the scene appealing i still did enjoy making my part for the 2D animation, as well as developing my designing skills in the researching stage.

Learning about the history and techniques of animation was very interesting, as i got to research about things I’d never read in detail before, and it helped me broaden my horizon on what kinds of animation actually exist. It also led to me finding some very interesting animators who i can watch and learn from.

The tutors at this university are very friendly and you can tell they want to set you up for success. Its easy to go and talk to them when I need help or when I’m unsure of anything and they do their best to make sure everyone in the class is at the same place and understands what they’re saying. Their lessons are very thorough and enjoyable as they interact with the class throughout and have conversations about the topic on hand. They’ve also given me opportunities for 1 to 1s in order to help me better understand my work and get help and guidance with what I’m doing.

All in all, I’ve enjoyed this first year and had many opportunities to try new things, meet new people and feel safe and welcomed in this educational environment. I’m looking forward to next year, and showing what I’m capable of by practicing my skills over the summer to improve.

Portfolio – Assignment 3

Below you will find my pieces of the animation and the models i created in form of their sketch fab links, followed by the finished group animation.

Bird feet model: https://skfb.ly/o6oBM

Feather model: https://skfb.ly/onSXt

Branch model: https://skfb.ly/onSVM