Personal development

For this assignment, we had to take a piece of audio, be it a song, voice clip or a part from a movie, and animate a short 8-12 seconds scene.

I was watching quite a lot of impractical jokers before doing  this project, so it gave me a lot of inspiration from this certain clip that i like a lot where one of the jokers, Sal, is in a chair being controlled by his friends and he has to do/say whatever they tell him or he loses the challenge. The specific part i chose was when they drive him up to a random man and he has to tell them to come with him if they want to live, as there isn’t a lot of time. 00:25-00:34

I also found this YouTube video to help me with the zombie shuffle movement

To help with a majority of the movement, i had recorded myself acting out the scene and had gone over it in syncsketch, but I’m not comfortable with sharing the footage here. I also used these images to help with the dogs walk and tail movement, as well as feedback from friends and family.

Below is a playblast of the animation i created for this assignment, I used two different rigs from here: and here are the individual links:

This was a little tasking to work on, as i had a few other assignments to focus on as well as this, and with the deadlines all so close together, and the games project needing so much attention all the way through to the end, i found it hard to make time for this.

Being my first time animating lip syncing, i think i did alright but there’s parts I tried to fix, such as the dog sliding along the ground at the start, that i just couldn’t figure out no matter what.

Despite having a few problems, i still found this fun to work on and i think its encouraged me to try more lip syncing in the future to familiarise myself with it and hopefully improve. My knowledge of camera angles could also be improved, as i couldn’t find a better angle than a side view, though the characters do have more movement that can be better seen from other angles, I feel this is the best looking angle.