Starting to plan – assignment 2

For this assignment, we are tasked on creating a 30 second short  group animation of any topic of our choosing. Similar to how groups worked last time in the “Build a World” project, we got to choose who we’d like to group with, 5 being the maximum amount of people allowed in one group. I got into group 8 with Chloe, EJ, Rhys and Katie, having previously worked with Katie and Chloe and already knowing Rhys and EJ i was in a pretty comfortable environment, helping me work together easier with my group.

After being split off into groups, we had to start brainstorming ideas for the script of our animation including things like the setting, a brief idea of the characters, their goals and the challenges they have to overcome to get there, and what tone we wanted to set with the animation. Our group made a google document for everyone to share their ideas whenever they came up with one, allowing them to write any amount of ideas, and encouraging them that the more ideas we have the more we have to work off and refine. Though when brainstorming our group felt a little overwhelmed and didn’t get too much i still think our ideas were good and everyone made a contribution.

For communication, our group decided to just use the designated “group 8” channel in our university discord server. This made it easy to either post our ideas individually for everyone to view in their own time, as well as share useful links and images or hop onto a voice call and discuss our progress and concerns.

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