Again, here are my rendered scenes below.
I was able to put together all my PNG frames by adding them into after effects, and processing them as an image sequence. This would help the images play as Maya intended in the right frame rate and pace.
After our rendering process, once everyone was finished, we were able to start editing everything together. During the production stage we had already collected many sound effects to help tell the story, though we went looking for some more or some to swap with others, as our story has changed slightly between the last time we picked our sounds to now. We had both a collection of sounds from a YouTube playlist and a folder in the Google Drive.
Jennifer was in charge of the editing process and the rest of us were there to offer help when it was needed. Here is the full animation edited all together along with the credits. This excludes the After Effects last touches we want for the helmets tech screen (to be added soon).
We split up little jobs we can do to help add to the After Effects touches. I chose to make a little circle loading/tracking animated symbol that we vision would appear through the POV of the alien on the helmet. It will appear in both of these scenes below.
I drew the individual frames on Clip studio, exported them into PNGS, then went through the same process as before adding them into After Effects as an image sequence, then rendering it out as a video file.
Alisa produced the text for the helmet that points out the aliens objective, what she is looking for, and how long she has been looking. This provides context to the story and will inform the viewer of what is going on. Matthew produced the vignette effect for the helmet that will determine when we are looking through the Aliens POV. And Jennifer is adding all our little bits together and presenting them in the same file to render out the final edited animation!
And here it is: This is Antenna Met You!