Animation Studio Workshops and Groupwork: Week 5 ‘Character Design’

Week 5 saw us complete a number of individual and group tasks in relation to character development. Our first was to create detail in our chosen character, such as facial expressions or how the character moves, and to relay our reason for choosing these particular details. Bouncer Facial Expression Eyes large to anthropomorphise character, becomingContinue reading Animation Studio Workshops and Groupwork: Week 5 ‘Character Design’

Week 5 Workshop: An Introduction to Adobe Substance 3D Painter – War Hammer

In this week’s workshop, we widened our knowledge of texturing an object, by using our first 3D application; Adobe Substance 3D Painter. The effects within Substance Painter are created from adding base colour layers that can then be masked to either display, or apply content to specific parts of the object, using two options: polygonContinue reading Week 5 Workshop: An Introduction to Adobe Substance 3D Painter – War Hammer

Groupwork and Character Design: Week 4 ‘Build a World’

The afternoon session began with an update from each team on their ‘world’ development, including any characters already completed. During the week I’d taken my idea of creature fusion a little further; searching online for images that I could then use, until my confidence in sketching increases, as references for a simple Krita line drawingContinue reading Groupwork and Character Design: Week 4 ‘Build a World’

Animation Studio Workshops: Week 4 ‘Colour’

The topic of this week’s workshops was colour. Colour plays a crucial part in animation due to its ability to define characters and environments, convey mood and emotion, and increase an animation’s overall appeal and effectiveness by making work more vivid, immersive, and memorable for the audience (Business of Animation, n.d.) To help us betterContinue reading Animation Studio Workshops: Week 4 ‘Colour’

Week 4 Workshop: An Introduction to Texturing and UV Mapping

In this week’s workshop, I learned about the elements involved in texturing and UV mapping. Texturing (the process of adding texture to a shader or material) affects the characteristics of an object, for example how reflective, shiny, or transparent the object is. In animation there are two common ways of achieving texture: (1) amending theContinue reading Week 4 Workshop: An Introduction to Texturing and UV Mapping

Week 3 Assignment: Zubat

For week three’s assignment, I was asked to create a 3D model of a Zubat; a nocturnal, chiropteran, Poison/Flying type Pokémon found in dark caves, first introduced in the Generation I games. Being a Pokémon fan, and my brother having avidly collected the cards, I was quite familiar with the character and eager to startContinue reading Week 3 Assignment: Zubat

Groupwork and Assignment: Week 3 ‘Build a World’

This week, to enhance group communication skills, and allow us to better decide our final ‘world’ choice, the groups were shuffled, with two members, Max and Ellie leaving, and our group joined by Gabriel and Owen. Our task was to think about the genre, atmosphere, colours, mood and emotion we would like our ‘world’ toContinue reading Groupwork and Assignment: Week 3 ‘Build a World’

Animation Studio Workshops: Week 3 ‘Tone/Value’

This week’s lecture provided an understanding of tone/value; essential in creating good artwork and animation, as without these, work can appear flat and lifeless. Often used interchangeably, and also referred to as tonal value, tone/value simply refers to the degree of lightness or darkness of an area. More important than colour (Cearley, 2017), if usedContinue reading Animation Studio Workshops: Week 3 ‘Tone/Value’

Week 3 Workshop: Curves

This week the workshop focused on creating object using curves, and design elements such as colour, transparency and viscosity. Two tasks were set to assist the learning process – building a milkshake, and building a vase. The Milkshake task To design the lid, starting with a sphere, which makes the creation of the domed lidContinue reading Week 3 Workshop: Curves