Animation Studio: Assignment 1 Reflection

Reflecting on this module, I can honestly say I’ve thoroughly enjoyed making my final animation, and incorporating the new principles I’ve learned, both in class and from my research, into my work; and seeing the progress I’ve made during the semester, I’m eager to learn more. Before completing this course, my animations admittedly felt quiteContinue reading Animation Studio: Assignment 1 Reflection

Animation Studio: Final Animation Reflections

Here’s my final animation, that hoping for feedback from my 4k+ subscribers, I’ve uploaded to my YouTube channel.     Overall, I’m very happy with my final outcome, and feel that my choice of animation style, use of vivid colour blocking, and clean, line art, all help to convey the atmosphere, colours, mood, and emotionContinue reading Animation Studio: Final Animation Reflections

Animation Studio: Behind the Animation

Here, I’ve created a post that covers the main concepts behind the development of my final amination. Background Creation:  My exterior background was created using the mood board below, atmospheric perspective, and colours taken from the group’s night time palettes, specifically chosen to convey an unnatural, eerie feeling; with the inspiration for the background mistContinue reading Animation Studio: Behind the Animation

Animation Studio Workshops and Groupwork: Week 10 ‘Line Clean Up and Colouring and Group Animatic Feedback’

Due to a Translink strike leaving many unable to come into university; Week 10 saw classes delivered online, with the morning session comprising of a tutorial on line clean up and colouring – two principles that will be essential to producing a more polished, and professional appearance to my final, simple line-art, and solid fillContinue reading Animation Studio Workshops and Groupwork: Week 10 ‘Line Clean Up and Colouring and Group Animatic Feedback’

Groupwork: Week 9 ‘Build a World’

Updated Storyboard: Scene One (24.11.23)   During the afternoon session, we were to receive tutor feedback on our storyboards, as well as planning our group animatic, and if not already decided, to finalise the transitions from one segment to another. Having my storyboard completed, I was happy to receive positive feedback, that apart from makingContinue reading Groupwork: Week 9 ‘Build a World’

Animation Studio: Week 9 ‘Animatics’

This week we were introduced to animatics, and learned how to use Adobe After Effects; a digital visual effects, motion graphics, and compositing application widely used in the animation industry. An animatic is a timed sequence of storyboard images edited together; often with a soundtrack and created in greyscale, that’s used after storyboarding to illustrateContinue reading Animation Studio: Week 9 ‘Animatics’

Groupwork: Week 8 ‘Build a World’

  Week 8 again saw the afternoon set aside for groupwork, with us asked to update the others on our progress, and to continue the conversation around our storyline, to allow the storyboarding for our full group animation to be completed. While most happily showed their progress, and received encouragement and positive feedback from theContinue reading Groupwork: Week 8 ‘Build a World’

Animation Studio Workshops: Week 8 ‘Storyboarding’

Week 8 saw us introduced the discipline of storyboarding, which incorporates the elements of staging, character, background, framing and storytelling, which I will cover in more detail when discussing the making of my own animation. The storyboard is the first visual version of the project, which tells the story in a series of key drawings,Continue reading Animation Studio Workshops: Week 8 ‘Storyboarding’

Groupwork: Week 7 ‘Build a World’

Between weeks five and seven, from the basic doodles of potential side characters I’d suggested might be used throughout the bar; somehow, in addition to my own bouncer scene set inside the building, I also inherited the still unallocated exterior establishing shot of the bar, and with my team eager for this to now beContinue reading Groupwork: Week 7 ‘Build a World’

Animation Studio Workshops: Week 7 ‘Introduction to the ‘Twelve Principles of Animation’

Today’s lecture saw us introduced to the ‘Twelve Principles of Animation,’ published in the ‘bible’ for animation enthusiasts; Frank Thomas and Ollie Johnston’s 1981 book, ‘The Illusion of Life: Disney Animation,’ that teaches the framework used by Disney animators since the 1930’s to add realism and believability to their work. These twelve principles are shownContinue reading Animation Studio Workshops: Week 7 ‘Introduction to the ‘Twelve Principles of Animation’