Animation Studio Workshops and Groupwork: Week 5 ‘Character Design’

Week 5 saw us complete a number of individual and group tasks in relation to character development. Our first was to create detail in our chosen character, such as facial expressions or how the character moves, and to relay our reason for choosing these particular details. Bouncer Facial Expression Eyes large to anthropomorphise character, becomingContinue reading Animation Studio Workshops and Groupwork: Week 5 ‘Character Design’

Groupwork and Character Design: Week 4 ‘Build a World’

The afternoon session began with an update from each team on their ‘world’ development, including any characters already completed. During the week I’d taken my idea of creature fusion a little further; searching online for images that I could then use, until my confidence in sketching increases, as references for a simple Krita line drawingContinue reading Groupwork and Character Design: Week 4 ‘Build a World’

Animation Studio Workshops: Week 4 ‘Colour’

The topic of this week’s workshops was colour. Colour plays a crucial part in animation due to its ability to define characters and environments, convey mood and emotion, and increase an animation’s overall appeal and effectiveness by making work more vivid, immersive, and memorable for the audience (Business of Animation, n.d.) To help us betterContinue reading Animation Studio Workshops: Week 4 ‘Colour’

Groupwork and Assignment: Week 3 ‘Build a World’

This week, to enhance group communication skills, and allow us to better decide our final ‘world’ choice, the groups were shuffled, with two members, Max and Ellie leaving, and our group joined by Gabriel and Owen. Our task was to think about the genre, atmosphere, colours, mood and emotion we would like our ‘world’ toContinue reading Groupwork and Assignment: Week 3 ‘Build a World’

Animation Studio Workshops: Week 3 ‘Tone/Value’

This week’s lecture provided an understanding of tone/value; essential in creating good artwork and animation, as without these, work can appear flat and lifeless. Often used interchangeably, and also referred to as tonal value, tone/value simply refers to the degree of lightness or darkness of an area. More important than colour (Cearley, 2017), if usedContinue reading Animation Studio Workshops: Week 3 ‘Tone/Value’

Groupwork and Assignment: Week 2 ‘Build a World’

Week two’s assignment was to then to use the principles learned to create six thumbnails, in 16:9 aspect ratio, for our selected world. Despite several rounds of voting, without an exact theme having been agreed, I based my thumbnails on the original ‘Halloween Bar’ theme, showing different bar interiors, including Jazz bars and Halloween pop-ups;Continue reading Groupwork and Assignment: Week 2 ‘Build a World’

Animation Studio Workshops: Week 2 ‘Layout & Composition’

This week we were introduced to the fundamentals of composition, layout and perspective. Composition Composition: the arrangements of objects and characters in the frame, is used to manipulate the viewer into looking where you want them to, with each layout needing at least one focal point to draw their eye to. Here, principles to useContinue reading Animation Studio Workshops: Week 2 ‘Layout & Composition’

Groupwork: Week 1 ‘Build a World’

Thrilled to be creating a group animation from inception to completion for the first time, the afternoon saw us split into groups, with me alongside Max, Orlaigh, Leah, Ellie and Aimee in Group 2. To help us gel, and learn more about each other, our first, fun task was to go on a picture scavengerContinue reading Groupwork: Week 1 ‘Build a World’

Animation Studio Workshops and Assignments: Week 1 ‘Shape & Form’

My Animation Studio journey began by completing simple warm up exercises – drawing long, confident lines, circles, and curved ‘S’ shaped lines which, if practiced daily, will also help improve muscle memory and build confidence in my line work. Once warmed up, our first task was to study the basic shapes and forms that makeContinue reading Animation Studio Workshops and Assignments: Week 1 ‘Shape & Form’