World of Animation – Group Presentation and Reflection

In this assignment, my group analysed the award-winning animated comedy short ‘Misguided,’ created by Sanghyun Kim at the Ringling College of Art and Design, which is centred around the exploits of a clumsy and easily distracted guide dog Tom, who must navigate the dangers of a construction site to save his blind and deaf master,Continue reading World of Animation – Group Presentation and Reflection

Assignment 2 Reflection

While I’d picked up the principles of 3D hard surface modelling quite quickly, I initially really struggled with sculpting/soft surface modelling, and having been so upbeat at the end of assignment one, found taking this backward step quite disheartening. Admittedly, I was often tempted to revert back to the familiarity of using ‘edit’ mode, butContinue reading Assignment 2 Reflection

Animation Studio: Assignment 1 Reflection

Reflecting on this module, I can honestly say I’ve thoroughly enjoyed making my final animation, and incorporating the new principles I’ve learned, both in class and from my research, into my work; and seeing the progress I’ve made during the semester, I’m eager to learn more. Before completing this course, my animations admittedly felt quiteContinue reading Animation Studio: Assignment 1 Reflection

Animation Studio: Final Animation Reflections

Here’s my final animation, that hoping for feedback from my 4k+ subscribers, I’ve uploaded to my YouTube channel.     Overall, I’m very happy with my final outcome, and feel that my choice of animation style, use of vivid colour blocking, and clean, line art, all help to convey the atmosphere, colours, mood, and emotionContinue reading Animation Studio: Final Animation Reflections

Animation Studio: Behind the Animation

Here, I’ve created a post that covers the main concepts behind the development of my final amination. Background Creation:  My exterior background was created using the mood board below, atmospheric perspective, and colours taken from the group’s night time palettes, specifically chosen to convey an unnatural, eerie feeling; with the inspiration for the background mistContinue reading Animation Studio: Behind the Animation

Week 11: Character Creation Process – Posing in Blender and Sketchfab Upload

    The final stage of this assignment was for me to pose my completed model in Blender, and to then upload both it, and my props, to present an interesting, expressive, and visually appealing scene in Sketchfab. Having first added armatures using the process set out in the tutorial video, mindful that the eyesContinue reading Week 11: Character Creation Process – Posing in Blender and Sketchfab Upload

Week 11: Adding Armature and Uploading to Sketchfab

Source:, 2012   At last I’d made it to week 11, and the final stage – adding armatures in Blender, which allow a model to be posed, and presenting a character in Sketchfab; the world’s largest 3D modelling platform, where the content of an artist’s portfolio can be published and seen by millions. ArmaturesContinue reading Week 11: Adding Armature and Uploading to Sketchfab

Animation Studio Workshops and Groupwork: Week 10 ‘Line Clean Up and Colouring and Group Animatic Feedback’

Due to a Translink strike leaving many unable to come into university; Week 10 saw classes delivered online, with the morning session comprising of a tutorial on line clean up and colouring – two principles that will be essential to producing a more polished, and professional appearance to my final, simple line-art, and solid fillContinue reading Animation Studio Workshops and Groupwork: Week 10 ‘Line Clean Up and Colouring and Group Animatic Feedback’

Week 10: Character Creation Process – Adding Texture with Normal Maps

This week saw me UV map, and texturise my completed 3D model using normal maps, and given my experience from my first assignment, and that I’d just used the normal mapping process in class to texture an elephant model, all went to plan. First of all, after marking the natural edges and seams, I unwrappedContinue reading Week 10: Character Creation Process – Adding Texture with Normal Maps