IXD302 Invoice Research

To begin my research I began by looking at a guide on how to create an invoice. A post I found particularly helpful was How to write an invoice: what to include in an invoice template by Sam Bromley. Bromely breaks the stages of creating an invoice template into the following steps. Make your invoice […]

IXD302 Project Proposal Wireframes

In my wireframes I have taken the information and inspiration I have gathered from Visual Grammar and my mood board of examples of proposal document layouts to create a series of potential format outcomes. In the above wireframes, I experimented with scale and attempted to produce balances and formal formats. I also wanted to consider […]

IXD302 Project Proposal Written Content

Before designing my project proposal I wrote the below content so that I could consider various formats in relation to the specific sections. Title Page Client company name: Cathedral Quarter Trust Project title: Hill Street Brand and Website Design Project Document type: Proposal Version of proposal: Version 0.1 Submission date: November 19th Your company name: […]