Form and Shape- Extra Practice

After I had finished my three characters I noticed that I had picked three cute characters which were composed of many rounded shapes but I hadn’t really explored the shapes which humans are composed of. I decided to work on a little more practice using one of my favourite tv shows ‘Invincible’.

I looked at a variety of characters but there was some definite similarities I noticed. The girls where composed of softer, rounded forms- especially in the legs and hips. There was also a certain amount of rounded shapes when it came to the design of robot. Particularly around the joints, there was very rounded shapes which shows that he is not a human.

The men were composed of more squared forms, particularly in the chest and legs. I tried to look at the placement of the hips, shoulders and knees as these are where limbs join together and it is important to make sure these shapes look right. I noticed that with all of the characters there was a similar building of shapes but the women had slightly more of a curvature, in both the torso and the legs.

Overall, I actually found it easier to find the basic shapes within the more humanoid shapes as opposed to the rounded shapes I originally picked. Perhaps this is because I am more familiar with drawing people than originally shaped characters. I am glad I practiced both though because it gave me an opportunity to explore a range of different shapes and forms.

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