Week 10: Character Creation Process – Adding Texture with Normal Maps

This week saw me UV map, and texturise my completed 3D model using normal maps, and given my experience from my first assignment, and that I’d just used the normal mapping process in class to texture an elephant model, all went to plan. First of all, after marking the natural edges and seams, I unwrappedContinue reading Week 10: Character Creation Process – Adding Texture with Normal Maps

Week 10: Detailing after Retopology and Baking Normal Maps

Source: Blendamator.com, 2023   With the creation of our character now complete, it was time to learn a new method to texturise a 3D model; normal mapping. Not every minute detail of a 3D model needs to be sculpted, but instead the illusion of surface detail such as lumps, bumps, wrinkles and textures can beContinue reading Week 10: Detailing after Retopology and Baking Normal Maps

Week 9: Character Creation Process – Modelling and Retopology

  Week 9 also saw me begin the process of modelling and sculpting my character in Blender, and while I’d been hesitant to start my final task of assignment one, with more experience, and confidence from knowing that I’d be broadly using the same principles (albeit following slightly different processes), completing this task felt considerablyContinue reading Week 9: Character Creation Process – Modelling and Retopology

Groupwork: Week 9 ‘Build a World’

Updated Storyboard: Scene One (24.11.23)   During the afternoon session, we were to receive tutor feedback on our storyboards, as well as planning our group animatic, and if not already decided, to finalise the transitions from one segment to another. Having my storyboard completed, I was happy to receive positive feedback, that apart from makingContinue reading Groupwork: Week 9 ‘Build a World’

Animation Studio: Week 9 ‘Animatics’

This week we were introduced to animatics, and learned how to use Adobe After Effects; a digital visual effects, motion graphics, and compositing application widely used in the animation industry. An animatic is a timed sequence of storyboard images edited together; often with a soundtrack and created in greyscale, that’s used after storyboarding to illustrateContinue reading Animation Studio: Week 9 ‘Animatics’

Week 9: Retopology

  Source: Eun, C. 2023 (cganimator.com blog)   Topology plays a vital part in 3D modelling, as it not only determines how the model looks, but also how it behaves once rigged, animated and rendered. Defined as ‘the arrangement and connectivity of vertices, edges and faces withing a 3D model’ (Polywink.com, 2023), in simpler terms,Continue reading Week 9: Retopology

Week 8 Assignment: Further Character Development and Final Character Design

Back to the drawing board, I decided to stick with a bull character and my ‘bull in a china shop’ idiom, but instead of him being old and frail, for him to have the size, strength, and proportions of a more fictional, fantasy beast; the Minotaur. Also, after again searching for inspiration online and comingContinue reading Week 8 Assignment: Further Character Development and Final Character Design

Groupwork: Week 8 ‘Build a World’

  Week 8 again saw the afternoon set aside for groupwork, with us asked to update the others on our progress, and to continue the conversation around our storyline, to allow the storyboarding for our full group animation to be completed. While most happily showed their progress, and received encouragement and positive feedback from theContinue reading Groupwork: Week 8 ‘Build a World’

Animation Studio Workshops: Week 8 ‘Storyboarding’

Week 8 saw us introduced the discipline of storyboarding, which incorporates the elements of staging, character, background, framing and storytelling, which I will cover in more detail when discussing the making of my own animation. The storyboard is the first visual version of the project, which tells the story in a series of key drawings,Continue reading Animation Studio Workshops: Week 8 ‘Storyboarding’