Problem solving

I used a mixture of Krita, After effects and photoshop to create my section of the animation. These software’s were all new to me and so it took a bit of time for me to get used. I encountered quite a few problems with various aspects of the animation so I had to find ways to work around.

The first problem I encountered was not using enough layers for the animations on Krita. This is not a problem I should have run into given that I am primarily a digital artist and so I am used to using different layers however, I think in the excitement of animating it didn’t occur to me to use the layers as much as I should have. This led to problems when I came to adding colour to the shots as I had to draw around the lines instead of just adding the colour behind. This led to a bit of a problem with consistency between each frame. I think I managed to get around this quite this well by relying on the onion skins a lot.

Another way in which I fixed this was by redrawing all of the lines again once I had completed the colour but this took even longer as I was essentially drawing everything twice. It did help to improve the consistency of each frame however.

If I had used the layers more efficiently I would have been to able to complete the animation a lot quicker and with more consistency in each frame.

I also had some trouble with After effects as I could not get the final file to export properly without shifting all of the lines to the side. It took me 3 different tries but eventually I was able to figure it out and export the file properly which was a relief.

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