Animation #3!

After getting used to Krita a little bit we got to work developing timing and spacing in an animation a little further. We drew a rollercoaster line for a ball to travel along, which would allow us to think about timing.

My first attempt was ok, and the ball was quite smooth in moving along the track. There was a good amount of contrast in the different speeds of the ball at different trajectories. Again, I used a variety of gaps between frames to change the speed of the animation. I did find that the ball was moving too slowly up the hill so I decided to try the animation again in order to fix this. For this experiment I tried at 12 FPS instead of the 24 FPS I had been experimenting with before.

I tried another experiment to see if I could get the speed to look more like how I wanted. Again, I did this one at 12 FPS and I was much happier with how it turned out. The movement was much smoother, and there was a clear distinction between the downwards movements and the upwards  movements. However, there was not the same lack of speed as the ball went up the track. I think I was able to fix this in this experiment and make it look a lot better.

I really enjoyed this practice, as even though it was very simple I think it was very helpful for getting used to the process of animation and I cannot wait to experiment further.

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