The Story of eBooks and Storyboard Workshop

This week we started off with a lecture about the story of eBooks. We learnt all about what eBooks are, as well as the characteristics of an eBook, and how to effectively design one.

I really enjoyed this lecture, even though I know that I want to make a website for this project.

After the lecture, we went back to the IxD room and had a storyboard workshop.


Storyboard Workshop

Kyle told us to ask ourselves four questions as we made our storyboards:

  1. Does it make sense?
  2. What could be improved?
  3. What isn’t needed?
  4. What is missing?

I used to have to make storyboards in Media Studies, and although these would be for videos, I understood the kind of process that I had to follow.

Here is my storyboard so far:




As I was sketching my frames from the prototype, I asked myself the four questions.

In doing so, I realised that my prototype was missing the name of who said each thing in the blockquotes. This is something I will definitely be adding in over the next couple of days. I also thought that maybe, like Hal said last week, my website could be improved by adding a navigation bar. This way, users can go back a page if they missed something on it, rather than having to restart at the beginning. It could also let users re-visit the “Meet the Crew” page, if they want to refresh their memory as they are reading through. I also think that the “Descent” page might not need the image of the rocket, as the text explains what is happening, and the page looks a bit too busy with so much content on it. I remember Kyle telling me in first year that “white space is your friend”. It would appear that sometimes I forget this piece of advice.



As mentioned earlier, I found today’s lecture really interesting. There is so much more thinking that goes into eBooks than I realised! I also quite enjoyed making the storyboard of my website, and found it really useful in seeing things that I could make changes to (thanks to the questions I asked myself).