Component Library

Creating a component library is a really easy way to make changes to your whole design, without having to go through each and every screen separately. You can make changes to just the original asset, then those changes will apply to all instances of it across your screens.


Paul wants us to publish our component libraries to our own team. Unfortunately, when I tried to do this, a notification popped up, telling me that this wasn’t possible without upgrading my account.



I decided to just share some screenshots of my components in this blog post instead.







Some of my components have variations, so that when they are tapped, they change. I’ve mostly done this with buttons used in the symptoms and bowel movements screens. I also did this for the water glasses. Since I wanted the “log water” option to be on the home screen, I thought it would be good to make this part of the design interactive. When you tap on a glass, it will fill with water – and if you tap it again, it will empty.



I’m really glad that I decided to create lots of components in this project, because I’d only ever make them with certain things in the past. It was such a time saver! I also think it was a good way to keep my design consistent across the board.