During our Easter Break, I decided to finish up my Sea Bunny’s animations for the game’s HUD Focusing on colour, lineart and keyframes for the background scanlines.

Currently, the version of Toon Boom Harmony I’m using is Essentials, so I realised I needed to find away around restraints I had, which led me to using the cutter effect to avoid the keyframed scanlines flipping outside the frame. In addition I added some additional glitches in the hologram for variety, as seen below.

I then added in additional details for the opening and closing animations for the hologram. My main inspiration for this portion is from Steven Universe, which has an episode with water-like TV static, as seen below.

I thought using the wave-like animations for our game’s static would be best, and so I used the cutter tool in Toon Boom, and a stock photo static image I had edited to fit the colour palette.

Once I recreated the static effect, I keyframed both to scroll in opposite directions, which resulted in the final effect seen below.

I then coloured in my Sea Bunny character animations, using the cutter effect to hide the sections of the character that stick outside the frame. I also exported my animations as separate pieces that would be stacked on top of each other as layers in Unreal.





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