Group 7- Completed Animation + Work in Progress versions

Below is the completed animation I had created for my segment in Group 7 for our Animation Studio Module which I have already uploaded for the submission.  Additionally, below are some work in progress versions of the animation to show my process, including the in betweens for the animation and the coloured stages. Final Animation-Continue reading Group 7- Completed Animation + Work in Progress versions

Week 11- Group 7- Finished keyframes For Animation

This week for our Animation Studio module, I have been continuing work on my segment for our group worldbuilding animation. This week I have finally finished all of the keyframes for my section of the animation.  Below are the finished keyframes for my animation, each layer being coloured differently to differentiate the moving parts in thisContinue reading Week 11- Group 7- Finished keyframes For Animation

Week 10- Secondary Action And Colour Workshop Task

During Week 10 for our Animation Studio module, we have been moving on with our group animation work, moving onto line art and drawing the keyframes. In the lecture, we were taught how to properly draw clean line art using the stabiliser feature in Krita for our animations.  Additionally, we were given a live demonstrationContinue reading Week 10- Secondary Action And Colour Workshop Task

Week 8- Group 7 Script and Storyboards Completion

During Week 8, our worldbuilding group for our Animation Studio module had made a plan to all write out our own scripts, which we would use to plan out our storyboards, along with combining them all together to create a full script for the animation.  Below is the full script draft that fully details theContinue reading Week 8- Group 7 Script and Storyboards Completion

Week 8- Workshop Tasks- Timing and Storyboards

In Week 8 for our Animation Studio Module, we were given two tasks during our lecture for both furthering our understanding of the 12 principles of Animation, and for our group worldbuilding project as we are now entering the main production of the animation.  The first task we were given was to animate a flourContinue reading Week 8- Workshop Tasks- Timing and Storyboards

Week 7- Ball Bounce Practice Animation Homework

For the homework this week in our Animation Studio module, we were tasked with practicing several ball bounce animations with different types of balls being used for references. Below are the animations I had created. These were created in Procreate on the iPad instead of using Krita on a computer due to complications with myContinue reading Week 7- Ball Bounce Practice Animation Homework

Week 7- Animation Introduction Workshop Tasks

In Week 7 for our Animation Studio module, we have now started to work on practicing animation with programs such as Krita.  During out lecture, we had completed a couple practice animations, which allowed me to get used to Krita’s interface and taught us more on the importance of timing and spacing frames in animation.Continue reading Week 7- Animation Introduction Workshop Tasks