During week 7 for our Animated Narratives module, our group re-evaluated on our current workflow and management of our project, which included assigning specific tasks for members to complete during the week to push production along, along with setting personal deadlines for us in two week increments for what we should have finished at certain points in time. 

For this week, I had assigned myself to work on rigging my previously made Dust Bunny model and creating a few test animations to see how well suited our the model is for animation and to find any issues that could be corrected later down the line. 

Below, are screenshots of my rigged practice model, along with videos of the animation practice I had finished. Due to setbacks during my week, I was only able to complete one animation. 

This practice felt worth the effort as it allowed me to discover small issues with my model that I aim to correct like parts of the model stretching unnaturally. Along with being able to experiment with character ideas to add extra detail into the design, such as changing the scale of the tail and ear fluff on my model to give a better impression that the character is made of dust. 

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