During Week 7 of our Animated Narratives module, I had decided to make a quick colour reference for our animation’s staging as our group had forgotten to create a palette earlier in the pre-production phase. 

My idea for the film’s palette is to use lighter toned colours that follow the primary colours of red, blue and yellow to give our short film the atmosphere of a children’s story, one that would complement the simple and cute designs of our Dust Bunnies. 

Additionally, last week our group had decided to change the idea behind the staging from the initial concepts of a living room to a study room instead, featuring background props such as a desk, bookcases and office chairs. However, my plans for the background’s colour palette remains the same.

Below is my colour scheme concept art based on the floor plan created by our group member Anna Farmer, with the colours that I plan on using for our animated short. 


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