Week 2 Assignment: TIE Interceptor

This week’s assignment was to create and animate a TIE Interceptor, first seen in Star Wars: Episode VI Return of the Jedi. Not being a huge Star Wars fan, and not having watched the original trilogy for many years, after looking at reference materials online, my first impression was that this was going to beContinue reading Week 2 Assignment: TIE Interceptor

Week 2 Workshop: Using the Edit Mode in Blender

Moving on to week two, it was time to up my game by making some more challenging, and realistic objects in Blender, with the first object I modelled using these newly acquired skills, a skateboard. Every model still starts with basic mesh shapes, and as before the goal is to figure out the simplest pathContinue reading Week 2 Workshop: Using the Edit Mode in Blender

Week 1 Assignment: Animated Snowman

For my first assignment I was asked to create and animate a snowman in Blender, with extra credit (yes please!) given for adding a simple background. So, armed with the information from my Blender tutorials to date, and the image of the snowman firmly fixed in my head, I set about creating my version fromContinue reading Week 1 Assignment: Animated Snowman

Week 1 Workshop: My First Ever 3D Model (Table and Chairs)

Here I am, in my first 3D Digital Literacy lecture, and I’m feeling enthusiastic, if a little bit apprehensive about starting my Blender journey because until now, I’ve never used any type of 3D modelling software. However, when I learned my first task was to make a simple table and chairs from basic shapes, anyContinue reading Week 1 Workshop: My First Ever 3D Model (Table and Chairs)