Nicole Picton

UX Designer



IXD304 – Looking to Other Immersive Sites

Getting Inspired This week, Kyle wants us to start working on our prototype. But before I do this, I want to look for some inspiration from other immersive and interactive websites. I had already looked through a few previously –… Continue Reading →

IXD304 – Interaction Research

Interactions and Animations This week, Kyle gave us the link to the animation section of the awwwards website. Since I’m still not too sure of what types of interactions and animations I should include throughout my prototype and website, I… Continue Reading →

IXD304 – Gathering Content

Finding Images and Information I want my project to be quite photography-based, with images taken on the moon, and from satellites. To do this, I went onto the Apollo11 page on the NASA website. They have an extensive photo gallery,… Continue Reading →

IXD304 – Apollo Wireframes

Sketches After reviewing other immersive websites, and creating my style tile, I know what kind of art direction that I want to follow. I have the colours and typography that I want to use, as well as knowing what imagery… Continue Reading →

IXD304 – Week 04 – Overview

Journeying Immersively   This week was all about immersive storytelling. With immersive storytelling sites – we are shifting from creating static websites, into creating dynamic websites.   Kyle taught us about micro and macro interactions, as well as telling us… Continue Reading →

IXD304 – Idea Generation Research

Good Ideas Grow on Paper I decided to read through this article that Kyle gave us about idea generation as I was sick this week and didn’t get to attend the lecture. The first thing they mention in the article… Continue Reading →

IXD304 – Choosing Typefaces

Typefaces   As another task for next week, we were asked to choose the potential typefaces for our digital product. This took me quite a while, as I was being fairly picky. I had a basic idea of the kind… Continue Reading →

IXD304 – Content Markup

Apollo 11 As part of our tasks for this week, we were asked to markup the Apollo 11 content that we were given – and try to make sense of it in terms oh HTML. I did this by editing… Continue Reading →

IXD304 – Week 03 – Style Tile

What is a Style Tile? A style tile is a design deliverable that references the UI components that are going into a website. These elements can include typefaces, colour, imagery and style collections. Style tiles can be shown to clients… Continue Reading →

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