Nicole Picton

UX Designer



IXD303 – Final Prototype and Screens

Figma Prototype Here is a link to view my final prototype on Figma.   I really enjoyed this project! So much so, that I am really considering developing my design further, and adding it to my portfolio. I have also… Continue Reading →

IXD303 – Usability Tests

Conducting Usability Tests Now that I am happy with my prototype, I need to conduct some user tests to check if users will be happy with it too. My aim for this design was to make my UI as easy… Continue Reading →

IXD303 – Component Library

Component Library Creating a component library is a really easy way to make changes to your whole design, without having to go through each and every screen separately. You can make changes to just the original asset, then those changes… Continue Reading →

IXD303 – Some New Screens

Adding New Screens, and Updating Others I wanted to make a quick project update post to show the progress that I’ve been making. I wanted to make a couple of changes to how my product looks when the app is… Continue Reading →

IXD303 – Making More Changes

Follow up From Group Crit I got some really good suggestions for how I can improve my design from last weeks group critique. I wanted to take on this advice and make the necessary changes before moving on and designing… Continue Reading →

IXD303 – Week 12 – Overview

Final Group Critique This week was our final chance to get some extra feedback on our designs so far. I really enjoyed having a nosey at everyone else’s work so far as well. This was also a really good time… Continue Reading →

IXD303 – Week 10 – Overview

The Final Countdown This week we started off with a lecture where Paul spoke about: Interactive prototyping User flows Wireframe materials Aesthetic usability Automatic Cognitive Processing UX Laws (including Gestaldt Principles of Visual Perception)   We were then challenged with… Continue Reading →

IXD303 – More Iterations

Adding Styling to Screen Ideas Since I couldn’t decide between my wireframe ideas for screens such as “Tips and Advice”, as well as “Bowel Movements”, I wanted to se what all of my ideas for them might look like once… Continue Reading →

IXD303 – Making Changes

Following up From Week 7 After our first group critique a few days ago, I need to make a few changes to my design.   The changes I decided to make were: Changing the typeface of my word-mark Changing the… Continue Reading →

IXD303 – Week 07 – Overview

Group Critique This week we had a group critique section on our projects so far. For this, we had to include our brand, user personas, wireframes and three of our screens so far. This is the PDF of my slides… Continue Reading →

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