Category: Workshop

Graphic Design- Typography Book

Heres another typography book which is very similar to my previous examples. Here i attempted to experiment using marker and coloured paint pens to create various amounts of ideas that include the words of my chosen exhibition, The Golden Thread Gallery. Personally, I really enjoy experimenting scale and compostition, as i thnk that it helps balance the designs which a few of them can appear more simplistic. I also like to include a variety of elements such as: shape, pattern, colour and angles, which makes the designs look more effective.

Graphic Design- Typography Book

Here is a hand-made typography book that was based on my chosen exhibition which is the Golden Thread Gallery. This book contains experimental lettering designs using lino print. On each page it either represents the main key words of the exhibition which are: The Golden Thread Gallery and Vox Hybrida. I’ve also attempted to experiment with various colours of paper to create abstract shapes and then print ontop. Personally I’ve found that creating smaller books works a lot better as i was able to gradually add more designs and ideas. I also like how these book are a great size to work with as it’s much easier, comparing to working on a larger scale.

Graphic Design- After Effects

Here I completed a workshop using Adobe After Effects. In this workshop i had experimented with a few different elements which included Scale, Position and Rotation. Firstly, i had chosen a shape and colour then added those effects onto that shape, which then created different motions and movements. As time went on i had gained confidence to then add other effects that would create a smoother and better transition. This workshop mainly focused on practising and being able to understand this software as i will be using After Effects when creating my final poster.

Graphic Design- Sketchbook Images

Here i’ve presented my pervious images of Cathedral Quarter into my sketchbook, these images will help influence my design ideas. My initial ideas for this project is to attempt to experiment as much as possible with colour, typography, collage and shapes, which can include shapes of buildings etc.

Graphic Design- Sketchbook Images

These are first-hand images that are presented in my sktchbook which are based on the four Exhibitions i had visted such as the: Cataylst Arts Exhibition, The Mac Gallery, The Golden Thread Gallery and Belfast Exposed. I’ve found that having images presented in my sketchbook is beneficial especially when trying to work on ideas for this project.

Catalyst Arts Exhibition- Observation Sketches

This was another very minimal exhibition based on Catalystr Arts. This was a very spacious area which is an element that i took into consideration when it came to the observation sketches. The main elements that I found interesting was that there was no colour used at all and also the shapes, which is something that would work well within this project.

Exhibition- Catalyst Arts Gallery

Here is another exhibition visit to the Catalyst Arts Gallery. This exhibition was based on “Ornaments Of Prospect” The contrast between the shapes and colour is very strong, I think that these would work really well as pattern ideas to incorporate in my experimental typography pieces.



Exhibition- Belfast Exposed Gallery

This exhibition was based in the Belfast Exposed Gallery, which was called “Nothing but a Curtain” by Vera Hadzhiyska. So here I’ve taken various photos of the artist’s work and the space surrounding. What I like about this exhibition is that it’s very abstract and it’s showing a variety of media’s including: textures from fabric pieces, photography pieces, set ups and colour.

Exhibition- The Mac Gallery

For this project I went to visit a few exhibitions. This exhibition is based in the Mac gallery, which is about 10 years of painting. I found this exhibition very interesting, especially the vivid colours used in some pieces, which I think is helpful as gives me inspiration of what to incorporate into my own work.