After Week 7 of our Creative Industries module, our group was given crucial feedback on our art style, which was that our visuals in the Unreal project did not look like our chosen Saturday Morning Cartoon style, and that we are crucially behind getting our lighting test finished. As a result of this, I knew we would need to take a step back and re-evaluate how we were going to capture our art style.

I decided to revisit our textures and experiment in Blender with different texturing methods to create a black outline on a prop to push the cartoony style.

Below are screenshots of the test changes I made to our box prop in Blender, with the original version beside it for reference. In addition, I have also included rough guides for how to move forward with texturing our environments to help the rest of my group.

Due to our lighting test needing to be done, I decided to get the more diverse looking props done first so we’d get a better understanding of our lighting in Unreal. Which can all be seen below.

Furthermore, I also was sure to get our ladder prop finished as one of our interactable props for our submarine environment.

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