During Week 11 of our Animated Narratives module, I have finished up a good majority of my work for our 3D Animation assignment and as a result I had extra time to spare. Hence, I decided to help move along our production and offered to handle one of the shots assigned to another to help move along our production faster as we’re nearing our deadline. 

As a result, I decided to take on animating shot 14 as it lines up with my previous shots, hence my characters were already in the positions that I required which made the process much easier to animate. 

Below is my extra work on Shot 14 for our 3D Animation project. 

With this, my work for the assignment is almost fully complete. I plan to work on finishing my portfolio, reflective blog and peer assessment during the last week leading up to our submission date. I will be keeping up with my group members in the meantime to ensure the last parts of production run smoothly.

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