Week 5: Narratives in Print and Film

This week we examined storytelling techniques and how they can be implemented in interactive sites. I looked at the site securingspace.com which aims to clean space debris for future generations. The loading page begins with an animation of space debris accumulating around the globe by each year. It’s a clever animation that depicts how much…Continue Reading Week 5: Narratives in Print and Film

Week 5 Content Design

This week we examined content design. As designers, we are always designing content for the user. We looked at how to effectively convey information to your audience, how to use visual language, what should be included, and how all of these elements can be combined to produce consistent and effective content. Government Digital Service We…Continue Reading Week 5 Content Design

Peak End Rule

This week we examined the UX Law of Peak End Rule. Basically, this law can be summarised as how people judge an experience at how they felt at its peak and its end, rather than the total sum of the experience. For example, if someone were to watch a film that was exceptionally good throughout…Continue Reading Peak End Rule

Week 04 Journeying Immersively

This week we examined immersive storytelling, including micro and macro animations – and some examples. These micro and macro animations are able to make a more engaging and interactive experience for the user on apps, sites and other interactive designs. What are macro interactions? Macro is a term that basically means observing something from afar,…Continue Reading Week 04 Journeying Immersively

Starting on Paper

Still at the initial stages of this project, there’s a lot of different directions to go with the design and look of this immersive website for the Apollo Space Program. At the start of any project I ensure to brainstorm different concepts and sketches down on paper first before developing them any further. This allows…Continue Reading Starting on Paper

Sketching Interfaces

Sketching interfaces is an essential component of UX Design. It involves sketching out wireframe designs and prototypes on paper before digitising and refining these designs for Figma or Adobe XD. This week’s lecture involved how you can improve your sketching ability when drawing these interfaces on paper. Use a thicker pen. Thicker pens allow you…Continue Reading Sketching Interfaces

User Flows

What are user flows in UX? User flows are sequences of tasks that a user might perform with a site or app – a graph of all the steps that a user takes to get from Point A to Point B. User flows are often used when creating a design, as a means to better…Continue Reading User Flows

Miller’s Law

This week we examined another Law of UX – Miller’s Law. Miller’s Law can be summarised as this: The average person can only keep 7 (plus or minus 2) items in their working memory. What does this mean for designers? Well, you have to organize content into smaller chunks to help users process, understand, and…Continue Reading Miller’s Law