Apollo Project Competitor Analysis

This week I’ll begin to sketch out on paper ideas as well as beginning to wireframe my site in detail. To help insprire me I thought it was a good idea to research different sites on the Apollo mission.

The frist site I wanted to look at was the offical NASA site. I thought the content was interesting. I liked that I was able to view a range of stunning images and videos from the Apollo Mission.


On the Nasa site I was able to look at seperate sections to view the stunning images and videos of the Apollo Mission, which was amazing.

The second site I looked at was the Air and space site and specific Apollo topic. I liked the typeface, images and interactive features used throughout.  This site walks the user through the whole story of Apollo program, the people that made the mission happen and where you can go view the collection.


The 3rd site I looked at was the planetary.org. As soon as I clicked on this site I was drawn in by it’s vary of interactive videos. Once you scroll down further you can view information from the frist ever mission and each of the following Apollo missions.



The use of images and videos on the website creates a visual interaction for the user. These websites tell an excellent story of the Apollo Program. They make sure not to overload the user with infromation.

The use of animation and visual interactions will make the user want to stay on the choosen site for longer to watch the videos, view the images or click the animations.

Each of the websites I looked at where very engaging. Hopefully I will be able to create a full functioning website which caters to the users needs and tells the story of the Apollo mission.

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