
Manifesto research

September 27, 2020 - Blogs

What is a manifesto?

A manifesto is a written statement declaring publicly the intentions, motives, or views of its issuer.

Manifestos, mottos and mantras are visible reminders to stick to your guns, not to let you or your ideals down and to stick to your principles when facing new challenges.


The surrealist manifesto was written in 1924 by the original member and leader, Andre Breton. It was the culmination of the writings of the surrealist group and sought to dispel the ‘rationalism’ which brought about the first world war. It really identifies the whole surrealist idea as a movement, with an agenda, rather than just a style of art.

Let us not mince words: the marvellous is always beautiful. Anything marvellous is beautiful, in fact only the marvellous is beautiful.
Andre Breton, 1924


Dada Manifesto is not a singular writing; over the years several were made, including perhaps the best-known by Hugo Ball and Tristan Tzara. Ball wrote his piece in 1916, and dated it July 14, while Tzara’s came a few years later, in 1918, on the 23rd of March. Both Manifestos are explanations of the Dada movement and its goals, but the content differs as long as the modes of spreading the movement throughout Europe and ultimately world, were concerned.

The creation of Dada came during the First World War when young creatives living at the time in neutral Switzerland decided to take their aim at the perceived ills of the modern time that led to the war, such as bourgeoisie and nationalism. Later to be known as Dadaists, these creatives looked for alternative modes of social functioning that would disengage them from the unsavory reality of the times, and which would produce a new social ordering more aligned with their desires and wishes.

De Stijl

The De Stij’l group was founded in Holland in 1917, dedicated to a synthesis of art, design and architecture. Its leading figure was Theo van Doesburg. Other members included Gerrit Rietveld and J. J. P. Oud, both architect-designers, and the painters Georges Vantongerloo and Piet Mondrian.


Mottos & mantras

Both a “mantra” and a “motto” are a short, descriptive phrase about the brand. They should be no more than five words long. They represent a set of beliefs, ideals or an ethical stance that the brand takes. They both will explain “why”.


In other words, a Mantra is for “within” and a Motto is for “without”.

Some examples of ‘life’ mottos or mantras: “A penny saved is a penny earned”, “No pain, no gain”, “The squeaky wheel gets the grease.”


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