
Tag Archives: ixd103

Final Submission
Brand Guidelines Portfolio Website In conclusion, I was able to achieve what I was aiming for which was to be content with the final outcome of my brand. I [...]
Portfolio website
Portfolio website link For this assignment we were to demonstrate an understanding of personal brand identity, as applied to a portfolio website. This blog [...]
SWOT Analysis Task
SWOT Analysis SWOT stands for strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. It is a useful technique or assessing these four aspects of a person or [...]
Brand Guidelines
Brandpad link What are brand guidelines? Brand guidelines are a set of rules that explain how a brand presents itself to clients/customers. This is usually [...]
Application – Business cards
Business Cards One way to show off your brand is to apply your brand to a business card. Business cards are an essential outcome for your branding either [...]
Branding Project – Research
Overview For this project we were given a task to design a brand for a pizzeria within one week. I have the option to either choose an existing brand or [...]
Monogram sketches
These are my monogram sketches based on my initials which are made up of the letter ‘S’ and ‘K’. I had to consider shapes and form, [...]
Anatomy of Type
The anatomy of type refers to the structure of typography. Just like the anatomy of humans, it is important to understand to be able to make diagnoses. [...]
Geometric Shape Task
For this task I had to make my name out of three geometric shapes. The three shapes which we could use were triangles, squares and circles. I mainly used [...]
Content Audit Exercise
For this exercise I had to choose a brand which I feel I understand. The brand I chose was Simple. I decided to choose Simple because I used a lot of their [...]
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