Nicole Picton

UX Designer


lecture overview

IXD303 – Week 10 – Overview

The Final Countdown This week we started off with a lecture where Paul spoke about: Interactive prototyping User flows Wireframe materials Aesthetic usability Automatic Cognitive Processing UX Laws (including Gestaldt Principles of Visual Perception)   We were then challenged with… Continue Reading →

IXD304 – Week 07 – Overview

The Story of eBooks and Storyboard Workshop This week we started off with a lecture about the story of eBooks. We learnt all about what eBooks are, as well as the characteristics of an eBook, and how to effectively design… Continue Reading →

IXD303 – Week 06 – Overview

The Design Sprint Paul started this week’s lecture by briefly explaining what a design sprint is, as well as showing us a video of The Google Ventures Design Sprint. We were also given the website to look to, in case… Continue Reading →

IXD303 – Week 05 – Overview

Content Design This week we learnt all about content design. The first thing we were told is that everything is content, and content underpins everything. Paul then went on to teach us about the different forms of content, as well as… Continue Reading →

IXD304 – Week 04 – Overview

Journeying Immersively   This week was all about immersive storytelling. With immersive storytelling sites – we are shifting from creating static websites, into creating dynamic websites.   Kyle taught us about micro and macro interactions, as well as telling us… Continue Reading →

IXD303 – Week 04 – Overview

Sketching Interfaces We started today’s lecture with talking about wireframes. It pays to start on paper. Paper allows for fast thinking, as well as quick idea generation and easy iteration. Making wireframes on paper first is also cheap, and allows… Continue Reading →

IXD304 – Week 02 – Overview

Typography (Micro and Macro)   This week was all about typography, on both a micro and macro level. During this lecture, Kyle told us about the best way to produce web-friendly content. We were also given advice on choosing typefaces,… Continue Reading →

IXD303 – Week 02 – Overview

Research Techniques This week we learnt about research techniques. These included the basics of user research, as well as competitor analysis. Paul spoke about the importance of researching, and different methods we might use within the researching phase of a… Continue Reading →

IXD304 – Week 01 – Intro.

Narrative & Storytelling   This week Kyle gave us an introduction to our new module, and broke it down for us. We were told deadlines, how much each deliverable is worth, and what exactly we will be producing for each… Continue Reading →

IXD303 – Week 01 – Overview

Researching Design Methods   This week we had an introduction of the new module – Designing User Experiences. Paul went through what we will be looking at in this module, as well as our deadlines. We also did a quick… Continue Reading →

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