Nicole Picton

UX Designer



IXD303 – Week 07 – Overview

Group Critique This week we had a group critique section on our projects so far. For this, we had to include our brand, user personas, wireframes and three of our screens so far. This is the PDF of my slides… Continue Reading →

IXD303 – Designing First Screens

Initial Three Screens For this weeks group critique, we were asked to have our first three screens designed on Figma. I always enjoy this part of the project, because I think it’s really nice to finally see the sketches come… Continue Reading →

IXD303 – Tummy Tracker Branding and Style

Creating the Brand With every good app, and business, comes an identifiable and unique brand. I want my brand to accurately illustrate what the app is about. This is something I needed to create for my app before actually designing… Continue Reading →

IXD303 – Usability Test on Wireframes

Testing my Wireframes To make sure that my UI will be easily navigated, I decided to conduct a quick user test on it using the Marvel app. Doing a user test on Lo-Fi wireframes is a good way to fix… Continue Reading →

IXD303 – Sketching Icons

Icon Ideas I have an idea of what kind of icons I will need for my screen, but I don’t know exactly what to do for each one, so I sketched out a few ideas for each that I’ll need…. Continue Reading →

IXD303 – Refined Wireframes

Choosing & Refining With a few ideas under my belt, I decided to pick which parts of each that I liked most, and combine/refine them into some higher-fidelity wireframes. This way, I have a more solid base to work from… Continue Reading →

IXD303 – Initial Wireframes

Sketching Quick Ideas Now that I have a solid idea of which kind of digital product I am making, and who for, it’s time to start sketching up some possible screen ideas.   I wanted to get a few ideas… Continue Reading →

IXD303 – Choosing Typefaces

Typeface Research The first thing I did before choosing any typefaces, was read this article from Smashing Magazine (written by Douglas Bonnevillle), which is about choosing a typeface. I found it very useful in helping to remind me of the… Continue Reading →

IXD303 – User Flow and Journey Map

User Flow Diagram and User Journey Map To finally, and fully, understand my users’ needs, I must make a user flow diagram and user journey map. These will also allow me to get a better understanding of how to make… Continue Reading →

IXD303 – You =/= User

Neilson Norman Group Research I was scrolling through the NNG website, and came across this video. It was all about how designers are not users, and users are not designers. You cannot get a great design by asking users by… Continue Reading →

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