Fact Finding

For my pitch, I am going to need facts and statistics to use in my slides, and also to aid the reasons why this app should exist.


Here are some relevant facts I found on the internet:

  • A staggering 8 million tonnes of plastic end up inĀ the world’s oceans every year. How does it get there? A lot of it comes from the world’s rivers, which serve as direct conduits of trash from the world’s cities to the marine environment. (unep.org)
  • The amount of plastic in the ocean just keeps growing. If things don’t change, by 2025 the oceans will contain one metric ton of plastic for every three metric tons of fish. By 2050 plastic will outweigh fish entirely. That’s the conclusion of a report by two major foundations and research firm McKinsey & Company. Several proposals have been made for collecting all that plastic and reusing it, as well as for reducing the flow. (Design News)
  • From reading a few different articles, looking at different facts and stats, the average time it takes for one person to clear one acre of land is approximately 2.5 hours.
  • The data found by outdoor clothing brand Regatta and Keep Britain Tidy, show thatĀ 244 million cigarette butts are discarded as litter every year and that around 30 per cent of all rubbish in the UK is smoking-related. Fast food, drinks and confectionary items are also contributing to the increased rubbish levels. (iNews)