Lush Cosmetics
I chose to focus on this brand as I have shopped with them in the past, both online and in-store and I like their message.
Word bank:
Cruelty free
Fighting against animal testing
Skin care
Brand dictionary:
I found that when advertising they are quite direct with their wording. For example, “make sure you sign up to ensure you never miss the latest launch” instead of asking, they are telling their audience to sign up which can be more effective. They also often include short reviews from customers which can encourage more people to buy their products.
I think that lush would describe themselves as welcoming, friendly, and ethical. When talking about their products they are always reinforcing their morals and what they stand for. I think this is important as it will help attract their target audience.
Tone of voice
I think that this brand has great core values. For example, all their products are 100% vegan, they buy ethically and that they don’t test on animals. I think that what they stand for really comes across in their tone of voice. On Instagram posts, they have said “…containing ingredients that will help to save ecosystems and protect biodiversity around the world” “cosmetics made from fresh fruit, veg…”. Not only do these pieces of text reinforce their message, but they also use words from the word bank, remaining on brand.
They also use a friendly tone of voice when speaking with customers who they are constantly interacting with on social media. Doing this consistently will build their bond with their audience and they will keep their good reputation. The same tone of voice is used across all platforms which comes across as more honest and reliable.