A few adjectives about me:

Friendly , Kind, thoughtful, faithful, observing and willing.

Next, I have gone ahead and wrote a personal bio about me.

  • As a hobby, I like to sketch things in my sketchbook. This was a thing ever since my cousin taught me how to draw. My childhood was fully focussed on improving my illustrations and sketches. I always want to see the world as a design campus, and I believe the people create designs in their own way. I also believe I am led by directions. My life was full of direction and taking the correct route. I want to always improve on my design and find new ways to create design to help my fellow clients.

Updated version:

Hey, my name is Kewin. I am student who loves to design, play, and help. My love for designing started ever since my cousin taught me how to hold a pencil. My exciting journey started from there. From the thought of being an artist, cartoonist, caricaturist the list goes on. However, I had hope that one day these directions will take me to where I truly belong- in UX design. I want to help others in creating the best possible designs for them and to always help them whenever they need. I imagine a world where everywhere I look is full of awesome designs! I am keen to make an impact with my designing skills and further develop my understanding of good design.

Brand values





Target audience

My main target audience will be designers including students and teachers. As second group of audience will be other businesses.


-Very relaxed



What do I expect from my career?

-I expect to have a friend or a group of friends in which I can communicate to.

-Expect to avoid all sorts of distraction which can slow my work ethic down.

-I expect to be prepared and well organised.

-I want to expect all tasks to be finished.

My vision

-to be leading or to work for a big design company in which I can demonstrate my understanding to.

-A company specially focused on UX design.

-I hope to have the experience the commit towards my clients.