Starting with my HTML and CSS:

I have started to code my web essay following tutorials and practices used from IXD101:

I have made a basic start on my web essay on Edward Fella. I wanted to wait until I got feedback on my wireframes. I made a basic start on coding my website. I’m also working on improving my web essay document.


My screenshot of basic html code. I will work further on improving the code.

Web Essay Project Continued:

I have been working to improve my code for my website. I have used knowledge and practices from the Ixd101 module to help me write the code. in addition, I have used a w3schools to help me gain further knowledge on HTML and CSS coding.

Screenhot of code

To help me get organised, I have created folders. For each element I have created a folder e.g. images.

Files for Website

This is the link to my edward fella website on GitHub.