Concept Art Animation Room Render Room render created by Nicole Plates, hats, cups and corkboard created by me Final Animation
Animation Blog
Concept Art Animation Room Render Room render created by Nicole Plates, hats, cups and corkboard created by me Final Animation
Editing Once all my scenes were complete, I rendered them in Krita with a transparent background as Nicole wanted to add the backgrounds in Premier Pro so they would be easier to animate. I uploaded all of my files onto the shared OneDrive where Nicole downloaded them. While Nicole was editing, she noticed some colouringContinue reading Post-Production
Backgrounds While Nicole modeled the main elements of the room, I worked on some smaller props to clutter the space. To help Nicole with the backgrounds I offered to model some of the smaller props, I was given the party hat, plate, cup and the corkboard. I used my concept art of the props asContinue reading Production
Concept Art During the early stages of creating the story, Nicole and I gathered some references to make mood boards for potential characters and environments. Originally, we were going to have more characters and environments, but we decided to condense this amount to only what is necessary, this will help the story to flow betterContinue reading Pre-Production
The Group Over the summer, Nicole Thompson and I decided to become a group to create a 2D animated short film as we both enjoy the aspects of 2D animation and had worked well together on a previous project in first year. We knew we would make a great team as we both wanted toContinue reading Ideas and Early Research
Over the Easter break I worked on scenes 17, 22, 23, 24, 26 and 27. I started by adjusting Lollipop’s arm in scene 17, it needed to overshoot more when he swung it up to the corkboard. After looking over the animation I need to adjust Lollipop’s facial expression as it stays the sameContinue reading Semester 2 – Easter Break
This week I worked more on scene 17, I adjusted the arc of Lollipops arm by switching the direction of the rotation to help the movement have more follow through. I also added a silhouette of Gumball getting annoyed, this still needs to be timed out as the movement looks stiff. (My Work) TheContinue reading Semester 2 – Week 9
I changed the juggling balls to brighter, more saturated colours to contrast Gumball and the backgrounds. (My Work) I rough out a skating loop of Lollipop for scene 15, I tried to make him look confident as he skated as he is on his way to take his picture with the birthday boy, I thenContinue reading Semester 2 – Week 8
This week I worked on scenes 8-13, I fixed Gumball’s back arch, so it follows his movements when he suddenly moves back. I also reworked the follow through on Lollipop’s arms, so the movement flows better. The secondary animation on these scenes is finished. (My Work) I continued to tweak scene 16-17 as IContinue reading Semester 2 – Week 7
I adjusted the follow through on Lollipops arms, in scene 11, to make them look less awkward. The body movement has been modified to make him have follow through when he stands. Gumball’s body has more movement to show more expression when he is shocked and abandoned by the kids. I need to adjust theContinue reading Semester 2 – Week 6