Week 8- Storyboards & Flour sack

This week we were asked to create a short animation of a flour sack and produce storyboards for our group animation. The flour animation was to help with pose to pose animation and the motion of certain objects; anticipation, jumping, falling etc. I created this in blender as its the software I’m most comfortable with and decided to go for a simple jumping motion. I think it turned out well.

For the storyboards, originally my place in the animation was at the end. My idea for my scene was to sort of recap everything we had seen throughout the animation, Including the planets and characters. It would start with panels sliding in from each side of the screen showing each planet in order of appearance. It would then cut to each character, again in order of appearance with A13X being last in the middle as she is the main character. It would then cut to black. I felt my part made the animation seem more like an opening or trailer for something bigger. The group then decided it would be better if I went at the start of the animation instead, as another member had a better idea for the end which also lined up better with the music we would be using.

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