
Week 1-Form and Shape

Week2-Composition and Perspective

Week 3-Tone/Value

Week 4-Colour

Week 5-Character

Week 7-Animation Introduction

Week 8- Storyboards and Flour Sack

Week 9-Animatic and Backgrounds

Final Animation

Week 10- Animation and 2D/3D hybrid test

This week I made a few changes to my to storyboard to help with timing and the flow of the animation. I removed the shot of the panning skyline and instead added a pan down to reveal the ‘Cyber guards’. I also change the alley way scene to pan from behind a building instead of zooming in.

I also started work on my animation, but I was having trouble with the software I was using; Blender, as I wasn’t very confident in using it and was running into problems. So I decide to switch to Adobe animate. Which made the process a lot easier. However, I wanted to experiment with 2D/3d Hybrid animation. And I was able to achieve this with blenders grease pencil. Currently I trying to decide between which shot I should use for the animation.

Click the image to view the gif ( Cubes are placeholders for the robots heads)

Below is how the animation would look with the 2D/3D hybrid shot.

Below is how the animation would look with a 2D shot of the robots, (Robots still need to be added)

I took reference for the Hybrid shot from Star War EP2: Attack Of The Clones and Rick and Morty.