Week 5- Character

This week our team began to come up with ideas for the characters that would live in our worlds; Their appearance, location, gender, personalities etc.

Name: A13X
Alias: City
Age: 18
Height Medium Height/5’5
Sex: Female
Eye colour: brown/green
hair colour: natural black with pink ends
Clothes: Baggy clothes, raggedy, patched up, Gloves/boots
Mannerisms: Grungy with a soft side, impulsive, need to fix stuff
Walking style: Slumpy
Skills: mechanic, sweet flips on a skateboard
Intelligence: Street smart/book smart, bad at socialising
Motive: Wanting to get away and help her friend
Fears: City Authority’s

When I heard A13X was described as mechanic my mind immediately thought of Lizzie Carmine from ‘Gears Of War 5’. I used her as a reference as I thought she had a very similar asthenic to A13X.

Name: Aqua
Alias: Ice place
Age: Late 30’s
Height: 6”
Sex: Male
Face: Angular/sharp/pointy
Eye Colour: Purple
Skin: Blue
Hair: White/Silver, Long braided hair
Clothes: Warm, scarves, Gloves
Mannerism: High class, Snobby, Regal
Walking: Snobby
Skills: Social when he has to be
Flaws: bad person
Other: Exiled from the safe underground to the dangerous surface

For Aqua I done quick sketches of his face, focusing on his Sharp and angular features. I also took references from ‘Vikings’ for his hairstyle.

Name: Beau
Age: 24
Height: 7”
weight: lil chunky/rounded
Eye colour: black
Clothes: none
Mannerisms: Sluggish, Over it, Slow
Walking: stompy
Skills: he’s strong
Other: allergic to mushroom, sneezes a lot, jumps in the air when he sneezes (causes a thud)

These last three sketches are early concepts of what the animals could look like on the Ice planet and mushroom planet. There is also an example of what the civilians of the ice planet could wear.



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