Category: Zine

Graphic Design- Typography Book

Heres another typography book which is very similar to my previous examples. Here i attempted to experiment using marker and coloured paint pens to create various amounts of ideas that include the words of my chosen exhibition, The Golden Thread Gallery. Personally, I really enjoy experimenting scale and compostition, as i thnk that it helps balance the designs which a few of them can appear more simplistic. I also like to include a variety of elements such as: shape, pattern, colour and angles, which makes the designs look more effective.

Graphic Design- Typography Book

Here is a hand-made typography book that was based on my chosen exhibition which is the Golden Thread Gallery. This book contains experimental lettering designs using lino print. On each page it either represents the main key words of the exhibition which are: The Golden Thread Gallery and Vox Hybrida. I’ve also attempted to experiment with various colours of paper to create abstract shapes and then print ontop. Personally I’ve found that creating smaller books works a lot better as i was able to gradually add more designs and ideas. I also like how these book are a great size to work with as it’s much easier, comparing to working on a larger scale.

Graphic Design- Final Zine

Here I’ve completed my final Zine with a similar approach to my mock-up, only I’ve used different coloured paper which I’ve found to have better quality comparing to the mock-up. Overall, I’m pleased with the outcome so far and I found this project very enjoyable.

Graphic Design- Zine Mock-up

Here I had just designed a rough Mock-up of my zine as I just wanted to test print a few of my designs before placing them into my final Zine book.



Graphic Design- Sketchbook Experimental Work

These are a series of mixed media experimental studies of Typographic words, letters, numbers and symbols. In some experimental pieces I have incorporated several media’s including: watercolour, pen, marker, coloured paper, photocopies etc.

I’ve also included any digital work that I created on figma as well as other mixed media pieces. I’d decided to work with what materials I had and make good use out of them, which created nice collages inspired by my first hand images.



Graphic Design- Adobe Illustrator Experimental

Here I’ve created sixteen experimental pieces based on my chosen theme which is Belfast. I had combined my sketchbook typography pieces and my first hand images of the historical, architectural buildings and structures around Belfast. I had experimented with various tools and effects, by using Adobe Illustrator.

My next stage is to create a hand made zine booklet, which I will then print out these experimental pieces and combine them into this zine.