The definition for identity according to Cambridge dictionary is, who a person is, or the qualities of a person or group that make them different from others (1). In the context of art, identity can be applied to it in various ways. Such as, how the the art it’s self could be considered an extension of the artist’s identity, as art requires an with their own unique qualities and experiences person to create it. Similarly, one person coming from a different background and experiences would have a different perception and interpretation of an artwork compared to another person.

“Primal Chant”, 2018

Though the works of some artists attempt to reconstruct our definition of identity as individuals or as a society. Work of artists such as Michael Reeder, whose series of oil paintings explores concepts relating to identity. His portraiture work consists of surreal silhouetted figures, made up of  bold colours, graphic geometric patterns and realistic visuals. He often makes use of solemn solemn imagery, contrasting the saturated  bright, eye-popping colour. (2) Reeder doesn’t wishes to communicate a specific message or meaning, only that his work is meant to be a reflection of the viewer, and from their they can derive their own meaning of their own identity.

“The figures or portraits in my work are in many ways meant to be a reflection of the viewer. However, the last thing I’m really trying to do is tell the viewer something, or have them decode symbolism or piece together a specific narrative; I want my work to be capable of something larger than one specific message or narrative. I do have my own set of themes and concepts that I use to help me build the imagery such as identity and the many parts that make up one’s individualized self, or the concept of the internal and external self/notion of the duplicate self.” -Michael Reeder (3)







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