Article Research- How I became a better designer through writing(IXD303)

 How I became a better designer through writing by Rizwan Javaid?

This article goes through the authors experience of how he discovered the importance of writing which helped him become a better designer. In article he also included resources such as books, podcasts, and apps which he used to help him improve his own writing skills.

Writing is designing with words. It is a tool for designers to express themselves and help inspire people. It’s important to clearly communicate the intended message to audience to be to explain what is happening before in the development and designing stages. If the writing is rushed or careless then it confuses the client.

Good writing is the key and will create a better impact.

A quote from E.L Doctorow is “Writing is an exploration. You start from nothing and learn as you go.”

Designers write daily to communicate and influence. It’s essential that your write clearly and concisely to get your message across and develop your ideas. Not only is it good to have an idea but you need to sell your ideas through written communication.

This could be through:

  • Email Communication
  • Blog Posts
  • UX Writing
  • Design Research
  • Design Presentations
  • Documentation

These opportunities can help improve your writing. He explains different ways writing has helped him become a better designer.

  • Writing helps me clear my mind for better ideas

Clear your mind of thoughts and try make room for new ideas.

Make a list of tasks you need to get done

Spend 10 minutes to do this on paper

  • Writing helps my think

Write down rough ideas

Organize and supporter your main idea

  • Writing helps me understand

When learning a topic writing is good way of increasing the understanding.

  • Writing helps me communicate

Writing can allow you share ideas and provides updates. Important to craft my emails and listen to other ideas.

  • Writing improves my mental health

He says it has helped reduce my anxiety and stress. By being able to express your thoughts on paper can be therpeutic

Writing means sharing. It’s part of the human condition to want to share things — thoughts, ideas, opinions. — Paulo Coelho.

List of Resources


The Elements of Style, Fourth Edition — Strunk and White

Writing Tools: 55 Essential Strategies for Every Writer — Roy Peter Clarke

On Writing Well — William Zissner


Ulysses App


Hemingway App


Death of 1000 Cuts — Couch to 80K Bootcamp by Tim Clare

Practice, Practice, Practice

The more you write the better you can become. Keep is consistent and use the opportunities to write weather it be emails, blogs posts, documents, presentations or share your designs this is all good ways of improving your writing.

Writing is powerful. The difference between good and great designers is that great designers not only produce ideas but can sell them.  By adding writing to your design toolbox, it can make you communicate your work clearly and become more successful.


From reading this article I learned how important writing is and how much an impact writing can have as designer. I like the designers’ examples and techniques. He has give me room for thought and how this can be used in to improve my own designs and how I communicate across to my clients clearly.

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