IXD303 PlantCo Group exercise

During class Paul give us a brief which asked us to draw an app for a company called PlantCo Smart Pot. I decided to team up with Emily and Leonie in a group of 3 to work on this small group exercise. We frist dicussed the main target audience of our app and how it could benefit the user. We felt it applied to 21-30 year olds.

Our task today was to draw wireframes and make a user follow for this App.

User Flow

We created a simple step by step user flow of the path the user can expect to follow when using this app from the launch screen.

We each wrote the following requirements of the app on postit notes:

  • Plant Guide/ Identification
  • Plant Recommendations
  • Moisture, light, Nutrient Levels
  • Temperature
  • Plant Location
  • Home Screen
  • Add a Plant
  • Plant Care
  • Check Moisture Levels

We stuck these on a big sheet and placed them order of the flow chart. This allowed us to see the path the user would follow and how many screens we would have to produce for the app. This user flow starts from the download scren and shows the all possible options they could click on.


Once we were happy with the user flow, we made some indidviual wireframe sketches on paper. We all took a page of lined paper each and sketched our 6 different screens representing the app screens. This meant we had a choice of wireframes to choose from.

After we combined our ideas by choosing the best ones to draws on a larger scaled paper.  We dicussed the screens and choose the final screens. At the end of class we pitched our idea to Paul and talked through the 6 different screens and what it allowed the user to do.

Here’s the instagram post we took of our work.


I enjoyed this team excercise as it got me working with other people in the class. It allow us to be creative and share ideas with one another. The more ideas we came up with the more succesful our final outcome would be. I felt we all worked well together. I would defintely work with them in the future. I thought their ideas and wireframing were excellent and they contributed so much.

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