Week 4 Journeying Immersively (IXD304)

Today we looked at Immervsive Prototype which will we look to complete on week . For Deliverable 1 Mockup we have been expected to complete wireframing, Mockups and Prototypes.

The frist thing we looked at was:

  1. Immersive Storytelling

Printed artefacts are largely static. At the Macro we expect interactive. At Micro level we expect similar feedback, clearly commmunicated through interactions. Alot of sites in past used to be static but now adays most sites move to Dyamic site.

Macro Interactions focus on

  • Users interaction with the site
  • Page to page
  • section to section

Micro Interactions

  • Interaction with user through animations
  • Component to Component 
  • Button to Button

Common things users may expect to see on a website

  • Scrolling
  • Animation
  • Interactive Data
  • Live Maps

2. Interaction at Macro Level

Example of a Immersive Sites on the web:

  • Snow Fall story by the New York Times
  • Vinny Bakery
  • If the Moon was only one pixel
  • SpaceX
  • Big Apple Hot Dogs
  • Aesop
  • Then & Now
  • One Million Dead
  • 7 Deadly Sins
  • Bbc

These enchance users experiences on the site. I thought the use of animations on these website were amazing. The all told an interesting story and captured the users expierence making them want to scroll or click on options to find out more information.

Advice when creating an Interactive Website

  • Use simple Word
  • Simple and sutle Animations are more effective.
  • Dont Complicate users
  • Icons are useful
  • Illustration Images are nice

3. Designing Micro Interactions

5 Keys things to think about when designing a Micro Interaction Site:

  • Triggers
  • Rules
  • Feedback
  • Loops
  • Modes

These can be effective. Uses know whats happpening. Get into the habit of practing these.


  • http://www.awwwards.com
  • Val Head- Desinging Interactive Animation
  • Watch videos On Youtube

My Aims for this week

To have my moodboard of images and typography complete. Work on my sketches and wireframe. Design Style Tile of all the elements I need to include. At this moment I should be at the sketching and Mockup up stage on Figma. I’m slightly behind as I’m struggling to come up with ideas in order to tell the story of Apollo. I need to quickly get on top of my work and get myself up to date in my design.

Hopefully by the end of next week I’ll have a clearer approach and I’ll be more confidence when designing my prototype.


I felt I learnt alot today about Immersive Protyping and I enjoyed looking at the wondeful examples. This will hopefully help me in my design. I also got a reality check of were I am in terms of my work. During tutrioal it was good to see each others work to date and were I was compared to my group.

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