Animation Strategies: Body Mechanics and Performance Portfolio
As someone on the ASD spectrum who’s not too keen on change, swapping to the updated version of the ‘Rain’ rig for my second assignment, with its different set-ups, new switches/controls, and the cloud rig replaced by cog wheels was, if I’m honest, initially off-putting. However, with a little practice, I quickly became accustomedContinue reading Animation Strategies: Body Mechanics and Performance – Reflection
Once again, suggestions on ways to improve my animation were provided by my tutors. However, for this second animation, I was delighted that the feedback was mostly positive, with the lip-sync described as ‘excellent,’ the facial expressions as ‘good,’ and ‘the timing, and character; ‘brilliant.’ However, as always, there were also things that I couldContinue reading Animation Strategies: Body Mechanics and Performance – Lip Sync Feedback and Final Animation
With the weight lift animation finally completed, it was now time to move on to the second part of this assignment, the lip-sync, which we were to create using the new, updated, and recently released version (V3) of the ‘Rain’ rig for Blender 4.2. Given creative freedom to choose our own 8-10 second audio clip,Continue reading Animation Strategies: Body Mechanics and Performance – Lip-Sync Animation
As before, extensive feedback suggesting ways in which to improve my animation was provided by my tutors, Rachel Dixon, Aodhan McNicoll and Alec Parkin. Feedback was again provided during class one-to-one sessions, and on a frame-by-frame basis through SyncSketch, and given a weight lift animation is such a difficult piece to get right at thisContinue reading Animation Strategies: Body Mechanics and Performance – Weight Lift Feedback and Final Animation
‘Body Mechanics‘ is a term used to describe the way in which we move, and hold our bodies as we sit, stand, lift, carry, bend, and sleep (Physiopedia, n.d.), and when animating, our ultimate goal is to relay this movement in a realistic and physically accurate way, which increases believability, and creates emotion byContinue reading Animation Strategies: Body Mechanics and Performance – Weight Lift Animation
Having now grasped the fundamentals of biped movement, the aim of this, our second Animation Strategies assignment, was to gain a better understanding of body mechanics and performance, and guided by tutorials and workshops exercises, to create two final animations reflecting our learning in these areas: one depicting a heavy object being lifted fromContinue reading Animation Strategies: Body Mechanics and Performance – Assignment Brief
REGULAR WALK CYCLE Side View: Front View: Perspective View: WALK WITH PERSONALITY Side View: Front View: Perspective View: REGULAR RUN CYCLE Side View: Front View: Perspective View: RUN AND JUMP Side View: Front View: Perspective View:
While the majority of my tutor feedback is included in the relevant posts, I felt it important to also reflect here on some of the recurring issues I’d encountered during this first assessment task. My biggest takeaway was, unless purposely doing ‘stretchy’ animation, to not overextend or overstretch the limbs as this makes theContinue reading Animation Strategies: Animation Walks and Runs: Feedback Reflection
A change of state, such a run into a jump is an excellent way for an animator to test their understanding of the principles of weight, timing, arcs, and lines of action. Weight: As creating a convincing sense of weight would add realism to my run and jump cycle, I wanted to make myContinue reading Animation Strategies: Animation Walk and Runs – Run and Jump