Animation Strategies: Body Mechanics and Performance – Reflection

  As someone on the ASD spectrum who’s not too keen on change, swapping to the updated version of the ‘Rain’ rig for my second assignment, with its different set-ups, new switches/controls, and the cloud rig replaced by cog wheels was, if I’m honest, initially off-putting. However, with a little practice, I quickly became accustomedContinue reading Animation Strategies: Body Mechanics and Performance – Reflection

Animation Strategies: Body Mechanics and Performance – Lip Sync Feedback and Final Animation

Once again, suggestions on ways to improve my animation were provided by my tutors. However, for this second animation, I was delighted that the feedback was mostly positive, with the lip-sync described as ‘excellent,’ the facial expressions as ‘good,’ and ‘the timing, and character; ‘brilliant.’ However, as always, there were also things that I couldContinue reading Animation Strategies: Body Mechanics and Performance – Lip Sync Feedback and Final Animation

Animation Strategies: Body Mechanics and Performance – Lip-Sync Animation

With the weight lift animation finally completed, it was now time to move on to the second part of this assignment, the lip-sync, which we were to create using the new, updated, and recently released version (V3) of the ‘Rain’ rig for Blender 4.2. Given creative freedom to choose our own 8-10 second audio clip,Continue reading Animation Strategies: Body Mechanics and Performance – Lip-Sync Animation