Animation Strategies: Animation Walk and Runs – Run and Jump

  A change of state, such a run into a jump is an excellent way for an animator to test their understanding of the principles of weight, timing, arcs, and lines of action. Weight: As creating a convincing sense of weight would add realism to my run and jump cycle, I wanted to make myContinue reading Animation Strategies: Animation Walk and Runs – Run and Jump

Animation Strategies: Animation Walk and Runs – Regular Run Cycle

  While admittedly walk and run cycles do have some similarities, there are also some fundamental differences, and indeed challenges to be considered. Speed: With typically fewer frames in a run cycle than a walk (there are usually 12-16 frames per cycle for a run compared to 24 frames per cycle for a walk) ,Continue reading Animation Strategies: Animation Walk and Runs – Regular Run Cycle

Character Creation: Implementing Design Theory Principles

  For as long as stories have been told, fantastical creatures and monsters have captivated the imagination; their form serving as allegories of human conditions, inexplicable events, unseen horrors, and the supernatural (Ries et al., 2017), and while each creation is brought to life by skill and artistry, a solid understanding of the theoretical andContinue reading Character Creation: Implementing Design Theory Principles

Animation Strategies: Animation Walk and Runs – Walk with Personality

  Having completed my vanilla walk cycle, now came the fun part; moving beyond just making my animation technically correct, to giving it personality and character which would add interest, and hopefully elicit an emotional response in the audience. I’d learned that human motion contains a wealth of information about the actions, intentions, emotions, socialContinue reading Animation Strategies: Animation Walk and Runs – Walk with Personality

Character Creation: Module Overview, Initial Research and Ideation

    The aim of this assignment was to design and develop a character or creature that, when presented as a static image within a chosen environment, embodies either a series of actions performed for a movie script, or represents a thematic criteria related to a topical subject, and while navigating the creation process, gainContinue reading Character Creation: Module Overview, Initial Research and Ideation

Animation Strategies: Animation Walk and Runs – Regular Walk Cycle

  Master Animator Ken Harris: ‘A walk is the first thing to learn. Learn walks of all kinds, ‘cause walks are about the toughest thing to do right’ (Williams, 2001).   Walk cycles are notoriously difficult to animate correctly, but good animated examples which really bring a character to life all showcase the same fundamentalsContinue reading Animation Strategies: Animation Walk and Runs – Regular Walk Cycle

Animation Strategies: Animation Walk and Runs – Introduction and Preparation

  The aim of this, the first assignment in our Animation Strategies module, was to enhance our methods and understanding of biped animation through the creation of two walk cycles: one regular or so called vanilla cycle, and one walk with personality and character, as well as one regular run cycle, and finally a runningContinue reading Animation Strategies: Animation Walk and Runs – Introduction and Preparation